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Pastor Chris Jones

Founder and Board Officer

Pastor Chris has a strong bond with the people of the South Park area. He actively provides support for neighbors by meeting their immediate physical needs, and emotional and spiritual needs. His mission is to fill gaps in the community. His strong relationship with residents gives him insights into how to meet their needs. He envisioned a low-cost grocery store, free weight yard, food outreach ministry, clothing boutique and youth ministry while overseeing the center on a daily basis. Through outreaches and additional support, neighbors start to “do life” with Pastor Chris, opening the door for important conversations. 


Pastor Chris is a native of Brooklyn, New York, but moved to Raleigh as an adolescent. He graduated from New Life Community School and with a Degree in Religion. He and his wife, Jacqueline, have served as co-pastors of Ship of Zion Church for over 20 years and they have three children and five grandchildren.

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